Her show, Unspoken Moments, is really quite dark and brooding. Not necessarily what I would've picked her for, then again I shouldn't expect drawing exercises. This is going to sound weird but I was getting a real Jeremy Irons vibe from this whole show - all sex, religion and death set in Venice. Naturally being an instructor at the national art school (and it turns out also doing a masters herself there this year) she is technically very proficient. She is also quite prolific with 33 works on show, from about a dozen or more collages to some ink and acrylic works on card to five large oils on canvas. Of all the work I liked the ink and acrylics the best, giving a real sense of her draftmanship. Liberally sprinkled over her room sheet is a little asterisk which indicates that that particular piece is requested by the artist to be made available by the purchaser for a public exhibition - a great marketing piece if ever I saw one!
Points - 3 for 'The Wish', details from that above - yours for $3k. This is one of those works going to be in the public show - on the flipside, what does that say about all the other stuff? 2 for 'The Witness' and 1 point for the collage works - it was hard to split these. The collages are all sub $1k so priced appropriately given clouds on the global financial horizon. I bumped into a former drawing classmate outside who has also taken Deborah's collage class and based on the evidence in the show and his testimonials it sounds like that would be pretty good fun as well. We'll keep an eye out for Deborah in the postgrad show later this year at NAS.