Just made it to the postgrad show at the National Art School, final day today. If you missed this make sure to come back for the grad show on the 29th of November. When they say postgrad they mean people doing their Masters but also folks doing an honours year. Hence quite a few familiar names from last years
grad show.
Lots of highlights. Loved Anna Cuthill's vast (300 x 364cm) vinyl adhesive print at the entrance ('Milk', top). This recalled that great size queen
Andreas Gursky. I would love to have the space for that somewhere at Big Lamington HQ. Also on the ground floor was Montana Miller, a highlight from last year, who has reprised her drawing on clothes with also quite a cool little sculpture / diorama (which given it was lit from below didn't photograph all that well). Here's a
link to some more photos of the show. Upstairs Kelley Stapleton is again dominating the room with another amazing study in perspective (above, looking towards the white wall on the left and a shot of the whole thing on the right). Both the 6 year old and I loved it. Really screws around with your depth perception when you look at it from the back. Also upstairs was Master's candidate Giles Alexander who seems a little too distinguished to be back at art school (2 x Archibald finalist, 2 x Moran finalist, RBS emerging finalist back in 2010). He had a big version of a work that looks quite similar to his solo show at Martin Browne a couple of months back. I can't recall Gemma Avery from last year but I was really impressed with her efforts in this years show. These were from what I can gather re-photographs of celebs with crystal vases covering their faces (see below, "hey lady (white)"). This was an edition 1 of 5 and you could have it for $1,500 framed which is pretty good for a 90 x 90cm photo edition. We also liked Charlotte Le Brocque's 'scared sheepless' ceramics of sheep (of course). These were NFS so my Gregor Kregar rugby world cup sheep remains friendless.

Points: I though Gemma Avery's concept quite clever and as such she will nab the 3 points. It was very close though and Kelley Stapleton will take the 2 (after taking the 3 points last year). I would love one of these perspective works but need it on a domestic scale. Not sure how it would go. 1 point will go to Anna Cuthill for all those gallons of milk.
Lastly, my one big tip for art grads is to have a functioning website so the punters can discover you and even contact you for commissions, etc. The results of my random google survey were:
- Kelley Stapleton passes, although her
website is still a bit of a work in progress;
- facebook seems to be the main contact if you are interested in
Montana Miller or
Charlotte Le Brocque;
- google didn't turn up anything for Gemma Avery; and
- Anna Cuthill has got quite a savvy web presence
here. Pick of the websites I found.
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