They've got the requisite summer group show going on at the moment. The obvious highlight is what is in the front window. Kiwi artist Jim Cooper's 'Family Portraits' (pictured above) which is a random collection of ceramics. The kids have looked at this in the window regularly, our favourites have included the big ice cream cone and some of the animals. I was amazed to see even more in the back room. Picking up the room sheet today I was pleasantly surprised that the prices ranged from a recession friendly $20 for a small piece all the way to $2k for some of the figures. I couldn't be bothered to count up all the different pieces but I reckon there are hundreds of things here. They look great as a group but I am not sure that could be replicated in ones or twos. Other highlights from the group show for me included a big McLean Edwards portrait with a rabbit (well out of our price range) and a nice swirl by Ildiko Kovacs. It was interesting to see the work of a diverse group that the gallery represents, the gallerina on duty's top pick was a Neil Frazer landscape that was very detailed but wasn't a subject that grabbed me.
Points: 3 for big Jim Cooper, 2 for McLean and 1 to Kovacs.
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